
Return of the Doctor: A New Threat

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Captain Jack Harkness lounged in a chair, and sipped some wine.
He was in a metallic box shaped room surrounded by machinery, chords, and monitors.
He was testing his latest invention, and was thinking of a name for it.
Suddenly, the door snapped open and Solomon stormed in the room.
"Where is she?" he shrieked. "Where is she?"
Jack was startled. "Who? What do you mean?"
Solomon sniffed, and scowled at Captain Jack. "My trophy! My purple pony!"
It was all Jack could do to not burst out laughing. "Solomon, what purple pony?"
Solomon's ancient eyes were filled with tears of anger.
Captain Jack had never seen him like this before.
"You promised that if I sponsored your stupid machine I would get any victims in it!"
"What do you mean victims?! It's a machine to ward off any slitheen!"
"Whatever! So I found a blue box and--"
"Wait! A blue box?"
"Yes! Now let me finish! And I walked in and found a purple pony, two women and a man!"
"Well, what did you do with them?"
"I put them in the confusion rooms! Well, I put the man in"
"Solomon, the confusion rooms are for the dangerous slitheen! You have no idea what you just did!" Jack roared in anger.
Solomon just growled. "I want her beck, Harkness! She will be paid a fortune!"
But Jack was already gone, racing out of the room to have his friends.

River and Rose were still a bit irritated about the Doctor's poor choice, and stalked behind him.
Twilight just looked frightened and confused, but also determined.
"Doctor," she said slowly. "When you did the memory transfer, I saw many things."
"I have seen many things, Twilight. Many I want to forget."
Rose pursed her lips and looked away.
They continued to walk, and Twilight trotted behind to match Rose's pace.
"Rose," she said. "I don't quiet understand. The Doctor...who is he?"
Rose looked down at Twilight, and was a bit surprised to see how small Twilight was.
"That's a long story," Rose admitted. "You and I live in different dimensions. In my dimension, you are a...TV show."
"Never mind. Well, the Doctor...he helps aliens and people. He travels all around the universe in the TARDIS, exploring."
Twilight nodded. "Yes. But all I really want to do is to forget al of this and go home..."
Rose didn't know how to react.
"Twilight," the Doctor said softly. "When we return you home, you are far from safety. Your Princess actually summoned me with my physic paper. She said that there will be a threat that will invade your dimension. After that...I must erase your memories about this, and everyone who lives in Equestria and beyond."
Twilight nodded. "I understand, Doctor."
They continued to walk in an awkward silence.
Suddenly, a voice called, "Doctor! Rose!"
A figure was running towards the group.
Rose gasped in disbelief. "Jack?! What are you doing here?"
"Yeah, what are you doing here?" the Doctor growled.
Jack, looking embarrassed said, "Well, you got trapped in one of my new machines."
The Doctor, looking furious tried to speak, but Jack beat him to it.
"I can explain! The place where I'm staying is being invaded by raxacoricofallapatorians! I made this machine to ward them off."
River nodded in approval. "That explains the reek of vinegar."
Twilight sniffed, and cringed at the sour smell.
"Yes, but that doesn't explain why we woke up separated after the TARDIS exploded!"
Jack scratched his head and cringed. "Yeeaahh, that wasn't me. It was--"
"You found her!" A new voice greeted them. "You found my purple pony!"
"The voice!" gasped Twilight. "And what do you mean YOUR pony?" Twilight snorted in indignation.
"Well, you're mine since I found you!"
The Doctor took a step forward. "She doesn't belong to anyone!" he said calmly.
Solomon snorted. "Well, I claimed her, so she's mine!"
Twilight growled in anger, and stamped a hoof. "What in the name of Equestria are you TALKING ABOUT?!"
As she spoke, her horn began to glow an angry, fiery red.
"Twilight..." the Doctor warned.
"No! Don't you 'Twilight' me! I don't belong to anypony for ponys sake!"
And with that, she burst into flame.
Solomon ran away screaming with his trousers on fire.
Twilight's flames sputtered out, and she was covered in soot, and was still trembling with anger.
"Twilight, that--"
"Was hilarious!" Rose giggled.
"...was unnecessary." The Doctor finished with a shake of his head.
"Now that is over, let's go find the TARDIS." RIver said with a smile.
"I think I can help," Jack offered.
"You've helped enough." the Doctor said sarcastically.
"Doctor, we need his help," RIver Song insisted.
"We need all the help we can get," Twilight added.
The Doctor sighed. "All right. Where do we start?"
Captain Jack Harkness grinned. "We start," he said. "With this.
He held up a s silver cylinder.
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